New awakening.

Hello fellow bloggers, 
This is a simple update about moi, not to sound so self conceded but I did take a Mini Vacation to Los Angeles, Cali with my girl. I call it a mini vacation trip only because I wish it lasted longer. I shall do a separate blog post about that trip. 

After coming back and facing reality, after suffering from vacation blues and getting a good dose of adult life. I've come to an awakening and realization that I'm wanting to change my mindset and mentality. I feel I'm going the right direction but need a little push to continue forward. Positivity is what I mean. I want a cleanse of the evil and negativity in me and around me. 

I want a clear thought and clear spirit washed away from hatred and negativity. I know I sound like a hippie so zen and mellow. But lately I've been over thinking things too quickly and always feeling so overwhelmed and stressed. Plus anxiety level has been sky rocketing. I want a clear thought process and I know I have it in me to remain calm through a crisis. Like they say "keep calm and carry on" such a cliche but oh so true. Til next post fellow bloggers~
Xo msneeannm 


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