Just call me "The Modern Day Step-ford Wifey" \ Cooking with Nee Edition

Hello blogger-verse heeey long weekend is here, got any plans?? For moi I'm not really one to plan I'm more of a go with the flow sort of gal. So whatever comes my way this weekend I'm down. Any ways as a short update on moi just wanted to share this photo, yes it`s pizza and no its not store bought nore delivery. Thats correcto I made it with lots of love its homemade if you can't already tell from dough right down to the pizza sauce ;) was fairly impressed with the outcome. Kudos to myself for achieving to make homemade gourmet pizza just call me the Modern Step ford wiffey. Soo the pizza at the top is a red sauce halfer half cheese and half spinach ricotta. The bottom pizza is a homemade gourmet green pizza (it has a better Italian name but can't remember it at the moment) -.- hope you sorta enjoyed my mini wifey material pizza post, if ya want step by step directions or the recipe as to how I made homemade pizzas feel free to comment below my darlings. Enjoy the long weekend and I'll post very soon. Xo ~msneeannm ❤❤❤


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