A week goes by fast

Hello beautiful blogger-verse, I wanna send out a sincere apology as too why I haven't blogged these past few days, maybe even a week. Heey it's May!! Crazy to believe April is over and May has begun. Hope your month has been going swell, mine has begun quit busy and hectic with work, friends, family, beauty pageants (will go into depth in another post), training, workouts and still deciding what I wanna pursue in the future career wise. 

It's been quit overwhelming at times. But hey guess that's life we can complain all we want but in the end we suck it up and  deal with our problems and issues. An I right?? So this month I can't make any promises but I'll try and blog about what's happening with me in my life and random things like I always do teheh and I really need to finish my vacation Spring March 2013 before another vacation begins and hey heads up. If you know me I love fashion and OOTN/OOTD so you'll be seeing a bunch of that too. Can't wait to share it with you all, thank you for being so patient and understanding, and I'll chat with y'all next post. Sleep sweet my darlings xo


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