"Welcome to Miami, Bienvenido a Miami"

Just landed and touched down in the beautiful well night lights of Miami, Florida. Leaving this morning YYC was quit hectic getting lost coming late for boarding the plane and a ton of baggage check-in and passing Security. As well as the blowing snow and fog in YYC certainly wasn't helpful leaving but happy we survived and made it to Toronto. Was super hectic once we hit Toronto a ton of people and Security was certainly not easy to go through but managed to catch our flight and next destination was finally MIA, second flight definitely went better than the first.
(woot woot watched Breaking Dawn Pt. 2 again. Lol)

Cutting my blog post a little short , incredibly exhausted and tired think I only got 4-5 hours of sleep not even. So excited for tomorrow and I can't wait for what's planned. More pictures to share. Sleep sweet my darlings xo ~ msneeannm


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