Feeling all grown- up .......

Recently I have been really feeling all GROWN UP!! It's literally the little things that gets me to believe I'm so much older when truth is I'm still sorta young still well technically I'm known as an adult but yet my age is still in the teens. I love not being asked for my ID when ordering an alcoholic beverage at a restaurant it's honestly the little things that get to me and make me so happy. Like just recently I officially made myself a Paypal and EBay account so now I no longer have to beg my big bro if I could buy this or that through his account. That little thing made me feel so independent and adult like.
I know it's stupid and silly but I can't help but feel proud. But then again I know I'm still young and should enjoy every second of being young while I still can so even though all these little silly adult things are happening to me I still am glad I'm young at least I don't have wrinkles and grey hair just yet..... Well hopefully not until I reach my 50s or 60s ;)

Forever young--------------NA xoxo


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