A Sucker For Modern Day Romance.

So as yall know the "Royal Wedding" just happened a couple days ago. Of course we all know for your information who got married Prince William married ordinary girl next door Katherine Middleton. I did actually stay up late to watch the beautiful Wedding. It was gorgeous and her dress even though people did not like it I actually adored it. It was classy not trashy, simplistic but yet in trend and she looked amazing.


Anyways while I was watching the lovely Royal Wedding it was just so heart warming too. Just notice the emotion, the love between this couple. They are really like normal people like you and me. But the little face gestures and hand motions and little whispers, the little eye contact, the kiss on the balcony TWICE. You can really tell they were in love and it just made me feel in awwwweeed that a fairy tale is ending happily. Gotta admit in society now it's tough to find your happy ever after, with divorce and fights going on in the world it's nice to know some dreams and fantasy's do come true.

Ok so the truth comes out. To be honest while I was watching the Royal Wedding I had know clue who this couple really is. Honestly I didn't even know how they meet, they're background history. I was really clueless until I saw their little biography documentary about them on TLC before they played the actual wedding. But I still didn't get the full understanding of this amazing young couple. So I think last week they played a movie on TV SLICE network about William and Kate. It's basically about how they met and all. I was watching it partially then fell asleep hahaha. Then procrastination came in and I just watched it yesterday night.

At first I thought this was a joke they made a movie about " William and Kate" So WHAT! Come on am I the only person that thinks it's not a big deal ok so they fell in love and so they are the future king and queen. Be realistic here people do they really need that kind of publicity. Well that's exactly what I USE to think til, I kept an open mind and decided to watch the movie. Ok gotta admit even though the actors and actress don't really look like the actual William and Kate, The entire Movie is based on actual events that actually happed; the movie is a true story of Prince William and Kate Middleton. I advise people to watch this movie it's really nice and cute if your into Modern Day Romance and it will make you actually think OMGGG this is soo sweet how they actually met, how they became a couple and how they had their first fight and break up. It's like a modern day Fairy tale. I really wish some day I can find my Prince Charming just like Kate Middleton. well some day heheheh. Dreams do come true.

My advice is to watch the trailer, it'll give you
a better perspective of this really
cute, romantic modern day Fairytale.

Since I'm in love with their loove story I'll put the link where you can watch this
true to life Fairy tale come alive. Watch it watch it! it's really nice
and it'll give you a better understanding of The future King and Queen.
aweeeee I'm excited I like watched it twice and re-wind it to my
favorite parts. Plus You know I love BRITISH ACCENTS
it's just sooo Sexy hahahah but really watch it when
yall have time it's literally less than 1 hr 30 min.
okkkie dookkie then give me your opinion.
of what you think we are all entitled to our own opinions. =)
Heheheh Here it is!!



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